The Demands of Not Knitting

The Demands of Not Knitting

Taking on a project as big as Stitched Glass has many demands – researching, designing, mocking up and then knitting, by hand, solo, three 5-foot by 9-foot tapestries. Lord only knows what I was thinking.(Read More)

Feeding the Hungry Yarn Stash: Topsy Farms


Feeding the Hungry Yarn Stash: Topsy Farms

Part of the money awarded to me through my Chalmers Arts Fellowship for my installation, Stitched Glass, was allotted to supplies – namely, yarn. Lots and lots of yarn.

I didn’t quite understand how much yarn was required to knit three tapestries, each of which is about five feet wide by eight feet high. Which makes sense, given I didn’t quite understand how long it would take to knit Stitched Glass (that’s thirteen years and counting). 

So I started buying yarn wherever we went, wherever we saw an interesting yarn store. We have bought yarn in many places in Ontario, in Canada, and abroad... (Read More)
